How Far is Beverly Hills from Crenshaw?
Byline: Los Angeles Travel Guide Team
Distance Between Beverly Hills and Crenshaw
The distance between Beverly Hills and Crenshaw, Los Angeles, is approximately 8 miles. This makes it a relatively short drive between the two areas, depending on the route and traffic conditions.
Estimated Travel Times
The travel time between Beverly Hills and Crenshaw can vary based on traffic. Here are the estimated times for different modes of transportation:
- By Car: 20 to 30 minutes, depending on traffic.
- By Public Transit: Approximately 40 to 50 minutes, using a combination of Metro buses and light rail.
- By Bike: About 45 minutes to 1 hour, using local bike routes.
Best Driving Route
The quickest driving route from Beverly Hills to Crenshaw is to take:
- Head east on Wilshire Boulevard from Beverly Hills.
- Turn right onto South La Brea Avenue.
- Continue until you reach Crenshaw Boulevard.
This route avoids major highways and typically has lighter traffic, making it a faster option during peak hours.
Public Transit Options
For those relying on public transportation, the recommended route is:
- Take the Metro Bus 720 from Beverly Hills to Wilshire/La Brea Station.
- Transfer to the Metro Line 212 or 210, which runs south along Crenshaw Boulevard.
This trip can take around 40 to 50 minutes, depending on bus schedules and transfer times.
Points of Interest Along the Route
Traveling between Beverly Hills and Crenshaw offers several interesting stops and neighborhoods worth exploring, including:
- Wilshire Boulevard: Known for its historic buildings and museums like the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).
- Mid-City: A vibrant community with trendy cafes, art galleries, and local shops.
- Leimert Park: A cultural hub known for its African American heritage and arts scene.
Beverly Hills and Crenshaw are relatively close, with a distance of about 8 miles. Whether driving or taking public transit, the journey is manageable and offers a glimpse of diverse Los Angeles neighborhoods.